
Archive for January, 2014

New contributor at TKJ Electronics – Diego

January 30th, 2014 4 comments

We are happy to announce a new contributor and hopefully soon consultant at TKJ Electronics, Diego Ayala.
I have been in touch with Diego for quite a while and we have been talking about his experience with the STM32 family and other ARM M0, M1 and M4 cores together with the Keil and CooCox IDE’s. So an experience like his is really usefull for ARM embedded projects.

To display some of his work we decided to go thru one of his recent projects, a color tracking device running on the STM32F103. A project that really displays what the ARM Cortex-M3 device is capable of doing, as long as you optimize well enough.

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Categories: ARM, TKJ Electronics Tags:

Year 2013 for Thomas

January 25th, 2014 7 comments

thomasIt has been quite a while ago since my last post here at the Blog which is due to a lot of new things and changes that happened in the past year. So with the following post I would like to tell a bit about myself and why I haven’t been writing post so frequently.

“Who am I?”

Most of you probably don’t know a lot about either me or Kristian, but I thought it would be the right time now to give a better introduction about me and myself. I have mainly been keeping these details about myself private, due to my age and the difficulty in freelance work and consultancy when being a newly started company and now with an age of only 20 years.

“My name is Thomas Kølbæk Jespersen. I’m 20 years old and a keen electronics enthusiast, entrepreneur, R&D ‘engineer’ and now being a student at Aalborg University studying Electronics Engineering.”

A lot of things happened for me and my company TKJ Electronics in the past year, which are but not limited to:

  1. Gap year
  2. Sales manager for solar panels
  3. Balanduino project
  4. Travel adventure
  5. Moving to Aalborg
  6. Aalborg University
  7. Employment at Create It Real
  8. General TKJ Electronics consultancy

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PS4 controller now supported by the USB Host library

January 12th, 2014 164 comments

I am very pleased to announce that I have now added support for the PS4 controller via Bluetooth. This will allow you to read all the buttons and joysticks with the same API as all the other libraries I have written for the USB Host library.

PS4 controller

To get started you should look at the provided example. It shows how to read the different buttons and joysticks. I still haven’t figured out how to control the light, rumble and read the accelerometer, gyroscope and touchpad, but hopefully I will figure that out soon.
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Categories: Arduino, Bluetooth, TKJ Electronics, USB Tags: