Arduino Weather station (school project)
I’ve nearly finished first year out of three on HTX, which is a kind of Technical Highschool. On HTX you have a lesson called Technology where you have to find a problem, and then find a way to solve it!
Our last project this year was about the weather, and me and my friend found a problem on the harbours – they don’t know the correct weather where they are. So we chosed to make a weather station.
We ended up using an Arduino Duemilanove connected to a temperature sensor, pressure sensor, rain sensor and wind speed and direction sensor. All these data is shown on a 128×64 GLCD display! Please take a look at this video to see how it ended up working (the things on the display is in danish though)…
The shield which is on top of the Arduino is made in Eagle. You can see the schematic here…
Source code
The source code can be found on our Github:
Featured in the local newspaper
We were recently (7th March 2012) out placing this weather station on the roof of a local harbour.
In that occasion we were interviewed by the local newspaper and the article (OBS. in danish) can be found here: Weather Station article
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