
August 26th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Would you like to sponsor us in any way? That could be by donating any amount to our Paypal account, by clicking on the Paypal icon on the right?
You could also donate any kind of electronics to us or if you are selling any electronics you think we would be interested in, then please give us a hint.

You can donate money straight ahead by using Paypal, and if you have any electronics you want to donate, please write us a mail at:


Here’s a list of our current donators:

  • 29. October 2008: Kenneth Wennerwald – Donated a GM862 GSM module
  • 24. August 2010: Kenneth Wennerwald – Donated a Telit GM862 Evaluation Kit with two GM862 GSM modules
  • 2. November 2010: Dave Vanden Bout from XESS – Donated a XSA-3S1000 FPGA Module and the XSUSB programmer
  • 9. November 2010: Casper Brøgger from Tridane – Donated a Xilinx Virtex Evaluation board, an Actel Evaluation board and an Altera Evaluation board
  • 15. December 2010: Renesas – Sent me a RDKRX62N Development board, a uC/OSIII Book and a uC/PROBE License, for being a part of the Renesas RX Contest
  • 22. February 2011: NXP – Sent me a LPCXpresso board containing an LPC1114 Cortex-M1 ARM processor, as a part of their contest (January-February 2011)
  • 31. August 2012: Chris Stemple from Mosoro – Donated a bunch of development boards, IMU’s, motor controllers and motors to help us expand our Balancing Robot family
  • 17. October 2012: Ryan Lush donated a bunch of ATMega644 microprocessors
  • 22. October 2012: timecop donated a Naze32 ARM Flight Controller board
  1. October 15th, 2012 at 22:21 | #1


    I thought you might have interest in playing with one of our new Surface Mount Prototyping Shields for Arduino:

    If so, let me know and Iâ??d be happy to mail you one or two. No strings attached, we just want people to try our products. I would need your shipping address and to know whether youâ??d like a 1.27mm, .65mm or .5mm

    Thanks for your time,

    Missy Bindseil
    SchmartBoard, Inc.

  2. October 16th, 2012 at 22:19 | #2

    @Missy Bindseil
    Thank you for your comment Missy. I have replied to you directly.

    Regards Thomas

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