
Posts Tagged ‘ethernet’

IoT featured soccer table

August 24th, 2014 1 comment

IoT table from top

IoT table from top

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the big electronics subjects throughout the world this year.

To show the capabilities of custom IoT devices and to help a local LAN-event organisation, TheBlast, we offered the help to create an Internet enabled soccer table.
Thanks to generous donation by Tuborg Fonden we were able to buy a brand new soccer table for us to modify.

We modified the table by adding two touch displays for user interaction, a barcode scanner for user registration. Inside the table we installed two score detection IR sensors and a ball release system, made by using a motor/wheel from an old Roomba robot. Finally we installed 5 meter of RGB LED strip to light up the playfield.

When scores is detected they are immediately registered online, to be displayed on the LAN-event website, where score timetable and all previous matches can be found.
This post will describe the features of the final table and how it was developed.

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Categories: ARM, STM32 Tags: , , , , , ,

Ethernet TV

After my last success with the Serial TV, I’ve got the idea making it possible for you to the television using a browser.

I’m still using my Serial TV, but now it’s connected to an Arduino instead of the computer. The Arduino has an Ethernet Shield on top, and it’s programmed to make a homepage with a text-field and a submit button!

Here is some pictures of the project:

Ethernet TV - Full

Ethernet TV - Full

Ethernet TV - Arduino

Ethernet TV - Arduino

Ethernet TV - iphone

Ethernet TV - iphone

Ethernet TV - iphone + TV

Ethernet TV - iphone + TV

Ethernet TV - Test Text

Ethernet TV - Test Text

Categories: Arduino, PIC Tags: , , ,

Ethernet DMX

March 25th, 2009 15 comments

Last week I recieved the Arduino Ethernet Shield –
There were all ready complete examples provided, so it was very easy to get started.
Then I thought it would be nice to have a Ethernet DMX Controller, so i could type the IP-Adress of the Ethernet Shield in explorer, and from there control my movinghead (Stairville MV250H). 

Then I found this page showing how to use an MAX485 and the Arduino as a DMX interface –
I tried it, and it worked 🙂 – And the Arduino could communicate with my movinghead.

Then I combined the Ethernet example and the DMX example, to make a HTML Page where i could click on different buttons to change the DMX values that would be sent to my movinghead.
Try it out yourself… You need a MAX485, follow the link above on how to connect it to the Arduino. Just use pin 3 instead of pin 11, as the Ethernet shield uses Pin 9 to 13!

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Categories: Arduino Tags: , ,