
Posts Tagged ‘ILI9320’

Arduino Mega and ILI9320 Display

March 28th, 2010 33 comments

Hi everybody.
Last week I started making a ILI9320 library for the Arduino Mega, as I was hoping it would work with my 2.8″ Display (with a ILI9320 controller of course).
After a couple of hours I’ve made the code doing the timings correctly, and then I made a simple PutPixel routine. It worked, so I continued to make a Text function, and afterwards different polygons commands.
When I had made all these commands I began to optimise everything, as the Arduino isn’t running fast enough, so a complete screen clear takes about 2-3 second. After a couple of days optimizing, I got it down to 1 second, and other commands such as rectangle was alot faster. I had also made a function so I could “scroll” the screen – which is descriped in the ILI9320 datasheet!

Here you can see some pictures of the final version, and download the code here: Arduino Mega and ILI9320 code

Arduino Mega and a 2.8-inch display (ILI9320)

A close up of the Hello World screen

And here is a user posted video of the library in action on an ATMEGA16A.
Thank you to ‘Maarten van ingen’ for showing us this video.

320×240 Color Display – SSD2119

January 27th, 2010 55 comments

I finally got the display I bought on eBay to work. It took me a lot of hours as the man I’d bought the display from told me that the display controller was an ILI9320, so I started making code for the display like it was using an ILI9320 controller.

But as it didn’t work, I started debugging using my Raisonance RLink, and just when I looked at the Device variable – a variable which holds the controller number, and is loaded at the initialization process of the display, it showed me that it was an SSD2119 controller.

So I found the SSD2119 datasheet and started recoding using the new Command calls found in the datasheet… Finally it worked and showed some life 🙂

So right now I have a working SSD2119 code with SetPixel, Text, Circle, Rectangle, Fill and some working Touch Screen commands for the onboard ADS7843 touch screen controller.

Please take a look at this image to see the display in action:

SSD2119 seen from top

SSD2119 from top

SSD2119 Pringles example

The current GUI commands I’ve made is:
void Lcd_Text(u16 x, u16 y, u8 *str, u16 len,u16 Color, u16 bkColor);
void Lcd_Line(u16 x0, u16 y0, u16 x1, u16 y1,u16 color);
void Lcd_Circle(u16 cx,u16 cy,u16 r,u16 color,u8 fill);
void Lcd_Rectangle(u16 x0, u16 y0, u16 x1, u16 y1,u16 color,u8 fill); // Slower than Lcd_ColorBox
void Lcd_Square(u16 x0, u16 y0, u16 width, u16 color,u8 fill);
void Lcd_ClearCharBox(u16 x,u16 y,u16 color);
void Get320240PictureCode(u8* pBuffer,u32 BufferCounter,u32 BaseAddr);

void Lcd_FastRectangle(u16 x0, u16 y0, u16 x1, u16 y1,u16 color,u8 fill); // Faster than Lcd_Rectangle
void Lcd_FastSquare(u16 x0, u16 y0, u16 width, u16 color,u8 fill); // Faster than Lcd_Rectangle
void Lcd_FastClearCharBox(u16 x,u16 y,u16 color);

void DispPic320_240(const unsigned char *str);
void DispPic(u16 x0, u16 y0, const unsigned char *str);

DispPic320_240 and DispPic uses a byte array to show a image – the byte array is converted from a 24-bit .BMP (bitmap) file using a program I’ve made in Visual Basic .NET!

You can download the STM32 code for a Paint Demo application I’ve made here: SSD2119_PaintDemo
OBS.: The project files in there is for Ride7, but the code can be used together with ARM-GCC

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