PIC18F2550 USB LED Matrix Board
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In March is designed a USB LED Matrix board which I afterwards got manufactured at BatchPCB.
After about a month I recieved the board, but unfortunately it had some manufacturing defects. I contacted BatchPCB and got a full refund.
You can read more about the defects in one of my other posts. But now I’ve fixed the defects using a razor blade and some wire.
Here is some assembly pictures…
After a couple of hours programming I’m able to control the display using a nice GUI on the computer (made in Visual Basic 6). The programming is done in PicBasic Pro, and the flashing of the PIC18F2550 is easily done via USB, as I’ve installed Microchip’s PICDEM FS USB Bootloader on the chip.
I’m searching for the eagle library of this matrix. i tried to make one but got bad.
so. if you could say where you you get or put in the site for download I will be very glad.
@Raul Zanardo
Hi Raul.
I made a library myself with different parts used on this board.
The LED Matrix is one of the parts made from scratch!
i want complete project
Hi TTUn.
You wan’t to buy the kit? Let us know if you are interested at mail@tkjelectronics.dk
i am really interesting about led matrix displays. i really like to make this circuit myself. so, pls. be kind enough to give me the hex codes.
i am fro. sri lanka
with kind rgds
many tnks,
Dear Indika.
Please contact us at mail@tkjelectronics.dk and I will get back to you with the files.
Best Regards
Thomas Jespersen