Arduino Weather station (school project)
I’ve nearly finished first year out of three on HTX, which is a kind of Technical Highschool. On HTX you have a lesson called Technology where you have to find a problem, and then find a way to solve it!
Our last project this year was about the weather, and me and my friend found a problem on the harbours – they don’t know the correct weather where they are. So we chosed to make a weather station.
We ended up using an Arduino Duemilanove connected to a temperature sensor, pressure sensor, rain sensor and wind speed and direction sensor. All these data is shown on a 128×64 GLCD display! Please take a look at this video to see how it ended up working (the things on the display is in danish though)…
The shield which is on top of the Arduino is made in Eagle. You can see the schematic here…
Source code
The source code can be found on our Github:
Featured in the local newspaper
We were recently (7th March 2012) out placing this weather station on the roof of a local harbour.
In that occasion we were interviewed by the local newspaper and the article (OBS. in danish) can be found here: Weather Station article
Vi skrev desuden en 40 siders rapport som kan downloades herunder. Desuden lavede vi en salgsbrochure som også kan downloades.
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Efter den ovennævnte artikel blev bragt i Dagbladet blev vi desuden ogsÃå fremvist på skolens hjemmesides nyhedssektion:
I like this 🙂
One comment though. The temp sensor is surely not measuring to that degree of accuracy even if it is calculated as that. You will no doubt know that if you watch it, it will jump from one specific decimal to another. Maybe it is more appropriate to stick to a no decimal places…
Other than that it seems like a great project, maybe a little tweaking in the future but all projects require that!
Obviously you are not in the UK but any ideas about where one might go about purchasing the wind speed cups and other hardware? Any keywords I should be searching for?
The temp sensor is that accurate! It’s an DS1820 with a accurace of +-0.5 celcius, but the resolution is 12 bits, which means 22 steps pr. degree!
You can buy the wind and rain sensor as a package from Sparkfun –
Fin vejr måler, ville også gerne lave en, som jeg så ville lave i forbindelse med min garage port styring. Dog ender jeg nok med at købe noget billigere, og så modificere det til det jeg skal bruge.
Det er muligt at finde meget billigere mini vejrstationer/målere i byggemarkeder mm., men vores mål var at fremstille et selv, helt fra bundet, uanset omkostninger (betalt af skolen)
Men jeg ved derimod heller ikke om det er muligt at modificere disse vejrstationer til at sende et signal ved forskellige handlinger 😉
Men god fornøjelse – jeg vil gerne høre hvordan det gÃ¥r nÃ¥r du nÃ¥r sÃ¥ langt…
show me up the sketch
@jody hidayat
Hi Jody.
The Arduino sketch can be found on our Github here:
Regards Thomas
Det ser sq* godt ud, mester! Endda pænt organiseret pÃ¥ et (hjemmelavet?) shield, og en nydelig kasse oven i købet! 🙂
Der er bare én ting jeg ikke lige forstÃ¥r… hvorfor viser du 3 forskellige vindretninger i løbet af den korte demo? Skiftede vindretningen sÃ¥ hurtigt, eller var det blot en demonstration af funktionen?
@Hans Thorsager
Mange tak 🙂 Ja shield’et er hjemmelavet.
Grunden til at vindretningen hele tiden skiftede var fordi vi befandt os inde i en gård med en del turbolens, som derved fik vejrhanen til at dreje rundt.
Har du tilfældigvis stadig print-layoutet liggende?
@Hans Thorsager
Ja, har lige lagt det op på github:
Cool. Tusind tak! 🙂
Hi, other weather station with Arduino
Hello friends. Need your help. We are skydivers from Belarus. We want to make a weather station on our base. But we do not know how to program. We need to show the speed and direction of the wind. We have an anemometer the same as in the video, arduino and other things. We need a sketch of wind speed with the output of information in Serial.port. Help me please!!!!!
Hi Denis.
If you have the same anemometer sensor as ours there is still quite some electronics and programming skills involved to make it work.
First of you would have to connect it to an Arduino or similar microprocessor according to our schematic (see the connector named ‘VIND’). Next I suggest that you use our code for inspiration and strip all the unnecessary parts away. Finally you can add the “Serial.print” function to output the anemometer info as needed.
Good luck with your project.
Best regards
Thomas Jespersen