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LPC4350 board – which parts would you like to see reviewed

We have just recently bought a one of the latest evaluation kits from Hitex, featuring the new dual-core LPC4350 from NXP – the LPC4350 Evaluation Board.

LPC4350 Getting Started Kit

LPC4350 Getting Started Kit

The processor consists of two cores, an ARM Cortex-M0, as the low-level processor and the high-end ARM Cortex-M4. Even though the two cores are of a different kind and with independently different features, they both run at a frequency of up to a stunning 204MHz.

NXP LPC4350 Block diagram

NXP LPC4350 Block diagram

The LPC4350 has a number of great periphirals as you can see in the block diagram above. First of all the processor comes with 1MB of Flash and 264KB of RAM.
If either the Flash or RAM is not enough there is a great way to expand this either with Parallel Flash, NAND Flash, SPI Flash and for the RAM with SRAM or even the inexpensive SDRAM.
Furthermore the processor comes with a different number of external connection periphirals such as USB Client, USB Host, Ethernet, UART, CAN, I2C and SPI.

When you think that should be it you will notice the LCD periphiral.
We are very eager to test this periphiral though we have already tested NXP’s LCD periphiral before on the CoiNel Tech LPC4088 MiO, though we are missing a review of this.

With this new LPC4350 evaluation board from Hitex we are able to test all of these features and even more as it comes full-fitted with anything from extra RAM to Audio Input and Output amplifiers.

LPC4350 Evaluation Board

LPC4350 Evaluation Board

Here are some of the board features.

  • CPU: LPC4350 (ARM Cortex-M4 with Cortex-M0)
  • Power-over-Ethernet
  • Ready for energy consumption analysis with PowerScale of the complete board, the CPU-core and other peripherals
  • SDRAM, SRAM, FLASH, qSPI flash
  • Temperature sensor, SD card-connector
  • CAN, UART, USART, Ethernet, USB (Host, Device, OTG)
  • Debug with standard ARM JTAG and JTAG + Trace connector
  • Ready for Jennic ZigBee module
  • Small onboard display and external display / LCD/TFT interface
  • HDMI interface
  • Media connector to connect well known MP3-Player
  • Push buttons, joystick and LEDs
  • Wrap field with power and GND
  • Audio IN and OUT, microphone IN, headphones OUT and a D-Class amplifier
  • Motor Contrli interface for NXP inverter board
  • VADC with OPAmp circuit

So the question to our fellow readers is now which of these periphirals you would like us to dig into and investigate further by making a demonstration project.

A final unfortunate note is that all of the evaluation board materials, such as the demonstration projects, is made for the expensive Keil or IAR compilers. So for hobbyists like many of our readers, it has become difficult to start developing and using these boards without buying these tools or downloading them illegally.
We have a solution for that, as we have managed to make a project for both the LPC4088 on the “CoiNel Tech LPC4088 MiO board” and for the LPC4350 on this board, within the free CooCox CoIDE.

Keep posted for more information about that.

Categories: ARM, Development boards Tags:
  1. enKoder
    March 13th, 2013 at 01:04 | #1

    You guys should look into the Rowley Crossworks environment. They just added support for the 4300 and is the main reason why I am using their IDE. If my project needs some more bandwith I am going to switch to 4300 and make that little M0 do all my IO handling while the M4 handles the DSP.

    But I am crossing my fingers that the st32f4 can pull it all off.

    I have enjoyed Crossworks though. It’s way better than Atollic’s offering IMO.

  2. March 13th, 2013 at 23:20 | #2

    Thank you for the suggestion.

    We are currently very happy and satisfied with CooCox CoIDE, even though it is not always updated to keep up with the latest microprocessors and the supported ones are also some limited series.
    But first and foremost it is:

    • – Free
    • – Supports different JTAG debugger interfaces
    • – Relies on the solid GNU GCC compiler
  3. enKoder
    March 14th, 2013 at 18:28 | #3

    Per your recommendation I’ll give CooIDE another try. It was hard for me to get over the Eclipse shell that was crippled during the development of CooIDE.

    In terms of the 4300 and the dev board I would like to see a project that uses NXP’s libUsb that was ported from Deans Lufa library. Also storing bitmap images on some flash and comparing the display responsiveness between a standard SPI flash access and NXP’s quad SPI flash.

    Another project I would love to see is an RTOS implementation that showcases the ease of the IPC mailbox system NXP has made for the 4300. They make it sounds versatile and easy to develop the 4300, but I am skeptical due to the complexities and timings of having a dual core cpu.

  4. enKoder
    March 14th, 2013 at 18:30 | #4

    By the way this is a fantastic blog! Keep up the good work.

  5. April 27th, 2013 at 23:18 | #5
  6. Prithvi
    August 11th, 2014 at 00:43 | #6

    Could you please review the SGPIO and SCT peripherals, which are unique to NXP MCUs. Thanks for the amazing blog!

  7. August 27th, 2014 at 21:12 | #7

    Thank you for your suggestion.
    This is hereby put on our to do list and will hopefully be done soon in the future.

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