Home > Arduino, Balanduino, Bluetooth, TKJ Electronics, USB > Balanduino Kickstarter almost finished

Balanduino Kickstarter almost finished

Hello to all of our followers. This is just a short reminder that the Kickstarter of our Balancing robot, the Balanduino, is nearly finished.
We have already reached our goal of $10.000, but of course it would be great to get even more backers and pledges.

In the meanwhile we have recorded a new video of the robot with a GoPro mounted on the top.

For more information check out the prevouis blog post: http://blog.tkjelectronics.dk/2013/03/balanduino-balancing-robot-kit/ and the Kickstarter page.

  1. Wilco van Toorn
    April 17th, 2013 at 21:51 | #1

    Congrats you guys, a great project, from beginning to end, but i guess the end of the kickstarter is just the beginning!
    Greetings from Holland

  2. April 18th, 2013 at 19:27 | #2

    @Wilco van Toorn
    Thank you very much! Yes we really hope that it’s just the beginning too 🙂

  3. April 27th, 2013 at 23:14 | #3


  4. Gary Olson
    March 10th, 2014 at 16:00 | #4

    Thomas, I found this just posted video of a ‘balancing robot’ SainSmart/ZenoMachines Self Balancing Robot. Looks very close to yours, although it is not as stable. Did you sell the rights? link below;

  5. Gary Olson
    March 10th, 2014 at 20:06 | #5

    Lauszus, my mistake, I should have addressed the comment above to you.

  6. March 10th, 2014 at 22:41 | #6

    @Gary Olson
    There is no copyright on the Balanduino. You will find many examples of similar robots on the internet.
    The Balanduino firmware is released under GPL2 which means that any code based on it must be open source as well and released under the same license. The only part that is protected is the frame and PCB which are both under a non-commercial license.
    No problem 😉

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