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New contributor at TKJ Electronics – Diego

We are happy to announce a new contributor and hopefully soon consultant at TKJ Electronics, Diego Ayala.
I have been in touch with Diego for quite a while and we have been talking about his experience with the STM32 family and other ARM M0, M1 and M4 cores together with the Keil and CooCox IDE’s. So an experience like his is really usefull for ARM embedded projects.

To display some of his work we decided to go thru one of his recent projects, a color tracking device running on the STM32F103. A project that really displays what the ARM Cortex-M3 device is capable of doing, as long as you optimize well enough.

But to give our viewers a better insight in this project we decided to write a complete article about the project, which in great details explains the theory and algorithms of the project, and of course also includes the source code as always.
The article can be found here: Color object tracking with STM32 + OV7725

So in the future we are planning that Diego will be posting and taking care of a lot of our ARM embedded R&D projects and blog posts. Please enjoy!

Categories: ARM, TKJ Electronics Tags:
  1. February 11th, 2014 at 11:27 | #1

    Thats simply amazing, I by myself is an electronic geek and loves to write about DIY circuit mods and stuff anyways nice post

  2. Diego
    February 13th, 2014 at 15:10 | #2

    Thanks for the feedback, really appreciated!.

  3. February 17th, 2014 at 08:29 | #3

    Thanks a lot .Really my device is working perfectly. Thank you!!!!!!

  4. Diego
    February 18th, 2014 at 17:10 | #4

    Glad to hear that i helped..

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