
Posts Tagged ‘Virtual COM Port’

STM32 USB Connection

January 25th, 2010 8 comments

The USB connection between the STM32 and the computer is finally working.
I’ve tried the different USB programs from the StdPeriph Library


  • Virtual COM Port
  • DFU Programming

As I’m using Ride7 for programming, I can upload the project and sources if you want me too.


OBS: If you have projects which DOESN’T use the USB, you have to set the USB Disconnect jupmer to Ground (Pos. 1-2), as if not, the STM32 will stop in some kind of USB Interrupt trying to make a data communication with the computer, but it never comes as the STM32 doesn’t start one!

I discovered this Ã? when I tried DFU’ing my 320×240 LCD code – and when I went back to normal .hex, it didn’t work – that was because I had to set the USB Disconnect to Ground!

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